{include file="ahead.tpl"}
{if $fatal}
{if $fatal == 'one_per_month'}
You can deposit once a month only.
{if $frm.say eq 'deposit_success'}
The deposit has been successfully saved.
{if $frm.say eq 'deposit_saved'}
The deposit has been saved. It will become active when the administrator checks statistics.
Make a Deposit:
{if $errors}
{if $errors.less_min}
Sorry, you can deposit not less than {$currency_sign}{$errors.less_min} with selected processing
{if $errors.greater_max}
Sorry, you can deposit not greater than {$currency_sign}{$errors.greater_max} with selected processing
{if $errors.not_enough_funds}
You have no enough funds to complete the operation.
{if $errors.ec_forbidden}
Sorry, deposit with selected processing is temproary forbidden.
{if $errors.cannot_invest_this_plan_anymore}
Sorry, you cannot invest this plan anymore
{if $errors.external_deposits_disabled}
Deposit to this plan from external processing is forbidden.
{if $errors.internal_deposits_disabled}
Deposit to this plan from balance is forbidden.
{if $errors.no_ps}
Please, select funds source.
{if $errors.deposits_amount_exeeded}
Your total deposit in "{$errors.deposits_amount_exeeded.plan|escape:html}" should not more than {$errors.deposits_amount_exeeded.amount_limit|fiat}